Despachador de llamadas

Destination Dispatch

La tecnología de "destino de llamada" utiliza algoritmos avanzados para optimizar los flujos de tráfico en edificios con múltiples ascensores. Al reunir a los pasajeros en un mismo destino en un solo ascensor, el despacho reduce los viajes totales y los tiempos de espera en comparación con un ascensor tradicional. Los pasajeros solicitan su piso de destino con un teclado o pantalla táctil, para luego ser dirigidos al ascensor que los llevará a su destino.

Set up and Installation

Plug Motherboard to BR-MUX

Connect the motherboards to BR-MUX, a dedicated multiplex board, to start the dispatch system

Connect the tablet to BR-MUX Bluetooth

Each floor has its own Bluetooth repeater connected to a tablet and the BR-MUX

Set up the tablets

Each floor has its own Bluetooth repeater connected to a tablet and the BR-MUX

Standard Elevator System

8 Passengers - 7 Stops

Using Destination Dispatch

8 Passengers - 3 Stops

Select Destination

The user will tap on the desired destination on the tablet

Proceed to elevator

The tablet will print the elevator going to the previously selected floor

Easy customization, great results

Change layout, colors, images, and more, to reflect the style of your building


  • Button Style

  • Color Palette

  • Main Button Style

  • Add you logo

  • Use images as background

  • Use Floor Labels

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